Last chance for Red Bull Art of Can

Well, we all know you can't step over a pile of shit lately without hearing about Red Bull Art of can or a related event. Our own site here is splattered with their links and the city is abuzz with the hype. The exhibit ends this Friday and it it your last shot to see all the creations. Nonetheless, let us know what you liked, how you feel about whether this uber-corporate event has been overdid, or whatever.
Well, it would be cool if there as more of an element of interaction with the community other than local artists participation. With all the buzz, are they donating/helping any local non-profits?
I think that they advertised way too much. It felt like they where trying way way too hard to get the hip crowd to give them cred. The art was stupid, made of red bull cans.. How selfish is that? Lame. I am not talking about the artist who made this stuff just the medium used. Red Bull cans for the sake of advertising for red bull = gross. the venue was lame too. Why the galleria? Lame again. Why not use a npo or a local gallery space.. Someone in the community who could of benefited from the local traffic.. Way to over the top and self indulgent. I think Red Bull needs a new marketing team.. Cause this was lame.
It was surely the best attended exhibit of the year. Which fact, of course, is legitimate cause for despair.
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